segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

Takamine Kiyomaro


Kiyomaro is fairly tall and appears to have golden eyes and untidy brownish-black hair. He ordinarily wears his signature outfit, a school uniform. But he has been seen in different jackets and shirts multiple times. He is considered to be fairly good-looking.


Kiyomaro at first was aloof and smart, to the point of even outsmarting the teacher during class. He is a highschool prodegy with a IQ of 170.

The main reason for his aloofness was mainly because of his intellect, which made him feel mentally superior to his teachers and fellow students. Which seperated him from the group and then he felt too smart to be in there with "naive" or "idiotic" students, and because of that they discriminated and made fun of him (which Kiyomaro respond by saying that "I stopped caring about what people say/said about me a long time ago,").

He went as far as skipping school on a regular basis to do introverted activities in his room, like reading novels, literature, and other book types and the only time he went outside is to go to a botanical garden as revealed in episode 7 to be in peace in case he and his mother were to argue.

Kiyomaro takes great pride in his "Genius Intellect" and has used it to his advantage in fights, such as putting his opponents in a certain area (due to the trajectory of Zatch's attacks, therfore utilizing a brilliant strategy) or knowing how and when to make use of Zatch's offense and defense to overcome any situation making him a quick thinker.

He's been shown to tutor Suzi and his other friends at his house in his room and in episode 37 he was shown to be able to fix an elevator by moving wired around.
Even though Kiyomaro was aloof he didn't have a cold-heart, he (like Gash) is disgusted with people and mamodo who gets joy out of manipulating or torturing others. He also hates those who use mamodo to commit crimes as revealed in episode 3. He would even go out of his way to help those who were discriminated like him and even protect his friends (mostly Suzy.)

From time to time Kiyomaro can be sly, mean, short-tempered, and mildly sadistic, for example when he tricked Zatch into confronting the bullies of the school on top of the roof, promising to come to his aid.
 Another time is whenever Naomi tries to chase Zatch and Kiyomaro tells him have fun, and he leaves him at home when he goes to school and even tells Ponygon to leave his house and never return when he attacked or made fun of him.
Despite that he has also shown to be in tears if Zatch's book was burned and would do whatever he can to prevent that from happening (powerfully implying that he does care about Zatch and the times they had together).

Love Life:

Kiyo has shown to have a crush on Megumi. Such instinces have been shown such as when Apollo teased him for stating that he brought his "girlfriend" on the trip to stop the past demons, he was flustered and so was Megumi (to the point her face turned completely red).
Kiyomaro even blushes many times when talking to Megumi and was rather bashful when telling her to hurry up with the books, but fine yelling at Tia and Gash.
Whenever Megumi is scared or startled, she accidently at times hugs Kiyo and it makes him bashful. Even Megumi reciprocrates this crush as she too has feelings for him, such as teasing Suzy that the two have a secret together only they know. She even wanted to do CPR on him when he needed to be brought back to life, albeit very bashful (something which Tia called a "chance" for Megumi to kiss him).

He also shown to have some feelings for Suzy, but only more as a friend due to him appreciating her being nice to him and his friend. He even offers to tutor her at times if she needs it. He's oblivious of her obvious feelings for him and usually views her as a clutz and niave, but kind and caring. He even kept her lock she gave him before they went to fight Faudo and even remembered her before he almost died. He does usually tend to be annoyed by her childishness and lack of being able to do anything right and her constantly medling. Nevertheless, he is protective with her and tries to keep her out of battles as much as possible and views her as a close friend.

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2012

Emiya Shirou

Emiya Shirou is the protagonist of Fate/stay night who acts as the Master of Saber during the Fifth Holy Grail War. He is an unorthodox magus who makes use of a very specialized version of Projection magecraft. He has made it his goal to become an Ally of Justice who will save everyone regardless of what happens to his own life.


Shirou possesses an extraordinary talent for housework. Despite having Taiga as his caretaker, he generally provides for all of her meals and does almost all of the housework, whereas she generally does nothing.
Home cooking is his forte, and he especially prides himself in Japanese cuisine. He is not a cheapskate when it comes to ingredients to make a delicious meal, and he will spend a great deal of time in order to make something extravagant.
He teaches Sakura how to cook, and as she improves, they eventually start to compete over the quality of their meals.There are times when he receives liquor from Copenhagen, but he merely tastes it as he is not good with alcohol. Among the characters of Fate, he is one of the heaviest eaters, losing only to Saber, Berserker, and Lancer.
According to him “one who does not have the stomach to digest breakfast is a failure as a martial artist.” Despite having his household finances taken care of by Taiga, Shirou doesn't wish to feel like a freeloader, so he has been taking up part time jobs since middle school in order to pay for his own expenses.

Shirou does not feel good in the atmosphere of a Game Center. He is weak against blind dates, even though he likes them. 
His English is poor and his intended major is initially in the field of law and politics. He likes repairing electronics to help practice his Magecraft, and he can become immersed for hours at a time while fixing appliances.
Due to the fact that he almost never denies requests to repair appliances or work, such as cleaning the school's swimming pool before its opening, he has many nicknames such as “fake school janitor”, “in charge of mending”, “vacuum cleaner of the Archery Club” and “Homurahara’s brownie”.
He likes to meditate within the dojo in his household, often to relax before or after practicing Magecraft.


Due to the trauma suffered during the great fire, Shirou has a constant emptiness in his personality. He feels that as the only survivor that it is unfair to the deceased to prioritize his own needs before those of others. He has a distorted sense of values where he finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act “helping people” is its own reward. When it comes down to receiving an injury or even giving up his life to help someone, he will do it without a second thought. The people who see this side of him are often very worried and attempt to correct his behavior, though they are unable to change his opinions.

Shirou is extremely stubborn once he sets out to accomplish something, such as spending hours attempting to perform a high jump that is nearly impossible for him. This action, as watched by Rin and Sakura, is one of the initial factors that causes them both to develop feelings for Shirou. He will stubbornly defend his own viewpoints, no matter how wrong they may seem to others, even to the point of causing them great mental anguish. Though he does his best to help others, if he feels that a person brought about their own ruin, he will simply watch instead of helping.


domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012

Hiraga Saito


Hiraga Saito, the main male character from Zero no Tsukaima, is from Earth (specifically Tokyo, Japan).He was Summoned as a Familiar of Loise, a magician which made him travel from his world to Loise´s.


There are Runes inscribed into Saito's hand as a result of his being bound to Louise. They read geboundolf or Gundolf meaning Gandalfr.
These runes glow when his Gandalfr powers activate. As a Gandalfr, Saito has the ability to use any object that was made with the intent of being used as a weapon at an extremely high level of skill. He also becomes significantly stronger, faster and tougher. Even weapons that he had never touched before, such as an M-72 rocket launcher and a World War II Zero Fighter, can be instantly understood and utilized. This physical augmentation fades more or less instantly when he stops using the power, which can result in him falling unconscious if he'd been wounded previously.
His partner, the talking sword Derflinger, was also the partner of the Gandalfr from six-thousand years ago. His advice and comments never reflect well on Saito. Saito protects Louise because he is her familiar, and it is later shown that he has feelings for her as well, claiming "All that he is good at is protecting her". He is revealed to be a Gandalfr, a familiar who exists to protect a Void Wizard as they cast their spells

Way of Living:

The series constantly implies him being a pervert and sometimes he does think exactly like one, but justifiably, he is a young single guy who isn't married to anyone. Louise just enforces an ownership type arrangement over Saito implying she is owed Saito's feelings. It is later revealed that Saito has feelings for Louise and even says it openly to her.
Saito also has a bit of a troublesome and somewhat complicated tendency of getting involved with women. Strange and oddly sexual things happen when he seemingly becomes intimate with another girl. When he meets or speaks to an attractive girl, he is often only noticing her chest in a few instances . This is actually one of the main reasons why Louise treats him so poorly as he is expected to be perfect in every way in her childish mindset.

Although he acts a bit perverted at times, this does not mean that he does not think of Louise. Similar to how she feels whenever he is becoming intimate with another girl Saito can get very upset when it comes to Louise and other men. He uses the name "My Louise" several times in the light novels when he feels jealous toward other guys. This is definite evidence of his strong feelings for Louise.


In Zero no Tsukaima F, the final episode, he gets married to Louise. He also traveled back to Japan, accompanied by Louise because of her teleport magic.

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2012

Kamijou Touma

Kamijou Touma is the series' main protagonist. He has the lowest psychic rank possible at Level 0 largely because the people testing psychic abilities cannot detect or classify his abilities.


His power is Imagine Breaker (Gensō Goroshi,"Illusion/Fantasy Killer"), a power which negates all magic, psychic, or divine powers but also his own good luck.
Due to the nature of his power, the founder of Academy City considers him neither a Psychic nor a Magician but rather a normal person with a unique ability.

Personalitie/Way of Living:

Touma is the type that acts before he thinks. He can never just sit around upon seeing someone in a pinch and will go to great lengths to protect or help the person.
He does this at great risk to himself, which typically results in him being hospitalized for several days after each confrontation. When fighting seriously against a particularly strong opponent, Touma would usually first declare that he'll "destroy that illusion" of theirs, before actually engaging. He once answered to Himegami Aisa's question about the reason why he saves people: "I don't need a reason to save someone".
In order to save Index from the need of a memory reset, he had activated her self-protection system and destroyed the spell responsible for her mind strain but ends up having his memories destroyed when he came in contact with Feather of Light (Hikari no Hane).
Though he no longer remembers the past, he claim his heart has not completely forgotten the people he cares about. His memories lost is kept a secret except himself and only a few know, which include his doctor (Heaven Canceler), his parents after telling them the truth during the Academy City Sports Festival, Terra of the Left who manage to figure it out by himself and recently, Mikoto when she learns about it from an accidental phone conversation between him and Terra and confronted him about it and forced him to tell the truth.
It is evident that even when he is in a blank slate after losing his memories, Touma can still display such personality. Touma, however, after losing his memories, now seems to approach people with more caution, carefully choosing what emotion or mood to display when meeting someone he thinks he might know.
When Touma meets Stiyl once again after saving Index, he displayed politeness and casualness towards him which made Stiyl suspicious. Touma then realized his mistake quickly and created an explanation for his behavior. Touma also bears no grudge on former enemies, and is willing to help them if they asked for it.
Aiwass commented that Touma is only doing whatever he feels is right and is labeled "righteous" by other people impulsively. He is one who will follow what he believes regardless of what others try to convince him of. In addition, earlier Villian commented Touma is just like William Orville, someone who follows his own ideals no matter what.
Though there are differences between the two: William is someone who stays true to his ideals and firmly believes it is the right path no matter what happens, and no matter who speaks against it; while Touma does not have set ideals and therefore can be manipulated into helping other people's plots. And when he does do something wrong, Motoharu describes Touma as someone who will carry that mistake all on his own, along with his own. Even so, he works to correct his mistakes in order to bring a smile to everyone's face at the end of the road, no matter the cost he himself may have to pay.
Even though he is a gentleman who is kind to people in general, Touma will not hesitate to strike female opponents who harm innocents or disrespect life.
Despite his righteous and heroic personality Touma occasionally displays poor choice of words which results in him getting bitten by Index, having bolts of lightning thrown by Misaka Mikoto, and creating misunderstandings with the other girls he encounters.
Throughout the series, he tries to live his life normally while still facing against the many adversaries from the worlds of science and magic and the conflicts that follow. Despite his very bad luck, he has managed to get the interests and hearts of many ladies who are infatuated with him, which Aisa jokes about, that his life is like a dating sim where he is bound to unlock more paths to more girls.


One of the series' main mysteries is the origin of Imagine Breaker, since it is neither an esper ability or a magical ability. Later in the series, it is hinted to be of Divine origin according to two members of God's Right Seat. Fiamma believes Imagine Breaker is the container for his Holy Right, which holds the power of miracles and Terra hints Imagine Breaker's full powers have yet to be unlock; if it does, its powers would extend to Tōma's whole body and beyond

sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2012

Katsuragi Keima

Interests: Bishōjo games (Gal games) and 2D girls
Hates: All Real girls, reality, sweets

Keima Katsuragi, the protagonist of the anime and Manga The World God Only Knows (Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai).
He is a 17-year-old high school student attending Maijima High School Academy. At an early age, he acquired an obsessive interest in video games and known in the Gaming World as  "The Capturing God (Otoshi-gami) for his legendary skills in capturing" any girls in dating sims and his walktrough  and advising internet site.
In contrast of the previous in the Real World he is called otamegane (a derogatory portmanteau of the two words otaku and megane(glasses)) by almost everyone in his school due to his extreme devotion to videogames.
Despite himself saying he likes girls, it's the perfectly theoretical and beautiful girls of the game world that he prefers, not the girls in reality. His love for games is such that he even goes into withdrawal if he doesn't play games enough and he has the bad habit of locking himself in his room and playing games for many days straight when he's depressed.

Keima is  a collaborator (non-voluntary) that catches runaway spirits, this happens when he replies to an instigative e-mail to his mail address in his PFP ( requesting his help to "capture" girls without knowing it to conquer real girs and that it was a contract from hell.
For each individual of the "Capture Targets" (a girl with the runaway spirit in her) Keima utilizes his analytical skills and experiences from dating sims to "capture" them.
When he has figured out the final push needed to "capture" a girl (in both reality and games), he says the catchphrase "I can already see the ending".

Also, despite the fact he even plays video games in class, he is still at the top of class in every subject.
During a scolding of a teacher for his gaming habits, Keima reasoned that all would be fine as long as he aced all his exams; he then proceeded to do so, demonstrating a great academic ability.
It is shown that Keima's analytical skills he utilises to "capture" girls is also applied by him in his studies, proven true when he flawlessly predicted the questions on the upcoming English test based on the teacher's personality and the examination extent. As the story progresses, his perspective of the Real World girls becomes different.
Nevertheless, he remains faithful to his "2D girls
His mastery and devotion to girl games was revealed to be way higher above than just average otakus.
He is able to play six game at the same time with each of different screens with the activation of his Capturing God Mode'.
 He frequently does lengthy lecture on various archetypes of characters and philosophies on capturing girls. However, he is completely ignorant to everything else, including real girls and their body, foods and even his own life.


- I can see the ending!

- There is always a chance of success, and if there isn't any, I'll just have to make one.

- Don't be upset because of what you can't do. Do what you do best, live as carefree and optimistically as you can, because some people aren't able to do that.

- Reality is just a crappy game!
- There is no above. After all......I`m God!
- Being able to buy One's love by collecting "welcome points". The cost of the hearts is Priceless
- If the ideal world can be found in a bad game, it can be found in the real world as well 


Shibuya Kazuya

Protagonist o the anime and Manga Ghost Hunt.
A paranormal researcher and the handsome 17 year-old president of the SPR, Shibuya Psychic Research.

His nickname "Naru" is short for "narcissist", given to him by Mai.
Though appearing cold and critical in front of his friends, he does care for them deeply and has earned their trust and respect. He and Mai apparently share a close relationship as she is the only girl he addresses by given name, unlike Ayako (Matsuzaki-san) and Masako (Hara-san).
When Mai notices that Naru treats her differently from their friends, she becomes angry and confronts him; Naru only smiles to indicate she is special to him. It is uncertain if he likes Mai romantically.

In the novels and the Manga, it is revealed that Naru's true name is not Kazuya Shibuya and that he is the famed paranormal researcher, Oliver Davis. Naru had a twin brother named Eugene; they were nicknamed Gene and Noll (Naru).Both Naru and his brother were orphans and were later adopted by the Davises.
The novels and the Manga reveals that the company named SPR, allegedly "Shibuya Psychic Research" at Dogenzaka, Shibuya, is actually a branch company for the Society for Psychical Research (also called SPR) and that the C.E.O is Naru's adoptive father, Martin Davis.


Naru actually went to Japan to search for his deceased brother whose death he experienced through psychometry; Gene was run over by a car and later thrown into a lake to destroy any evidence of the accident by a woman whose identity is still unknown.  When Naru finds Genes corpse at the end of the Evil Spirit series he goes back to England. He comes back to Japan two months after Gene's funeral stating that there is more supernatural activity there that he can investigate.


At first he does not appear to possess any kind of spiritual power, and must count on his companions abilities and his own intellect and knowledge to solve the cases they investigate. It is later revealed that Naru is an extremely powerful psychic(able to trow a 50 kg aluminium block into a wall or blast something similar to a fireball from his hand), but using it takes a toll on his body because it is difficult to control and can only be used as raw power. It is explained that Naru could use his ability without physically injuring himself because of Gene's powers which normally would have prevented such injuries; therefore Naru was taught by Lin to control it.

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012

To ADD List:

Kazuya Shibuya (Naru) James Oliver
Katsuragi Keima
Kamijou Touma
Hiraga Saito
Emiya Shiro
Kyomaro Takamine
Lelouch Vi Britania (Lamperouge)
Kannagi Kazuya
Kudou Shinichi
Alexnder Nikolavich Hell (Sascha)
Okabe Rintarou (Houhoin Kyouma)
Masaki Kenshi
Sai Akutou